Monday, October 16, 2017

Junior and Senior Assembly

At the Junior School assembly the following students were recognised in the weekly awards:
Kenzie, Lilly, Kia, William, Jarad, Kalys, Brock and Lilliebeth. Grace received the Head of Junior Award for being a great helper during Transition Day.
The Yr3/4 presented their applications to be a Reindeer or Elf helper , while Ashi celebrated her birthday, along with Mrs Black.

At the Senior Assembly representatives from the 13 yrs Rugby Team thanked their coach Mr Murador. Vice Captains Maddie and Allen promoted their fun, fundraising activities for the  2017 Senior's final weeks of College. History Awards and Mathletics Awards were presented to the recipients.
Kassity and Elissa  accompanied by Mr Sellars, performed for the assembly, before Mr Sellars was thanked for all his help and work with the Music students.  Mrs Fairbairn announced that the Musical for 2018 would be Wizard of Oz.