BTC Blog
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Cattle Club
BTC Cattle Club students competed in the Charters Towers Show on Sunday. Students arrived bright and early to prepare the cattle for their showing. Looking great in the blue and pink shirtswith alternating ties, the students performed well. Jacob Darcy gained a 1st in the Led Steer 280kg section while Louise Black gained a 3rd placing in the U17yrs Led Steer section. She then backed up in the Young Paraders 15-17yrs to gain a 1st place with Sally Palmer claiming 3rd ,Sheridan Callcott 4th and Scott Cerqui 5th. Also in the Young Paraders Jayden Pickering gained a 1st placing in the U12yrs section and Jacob Whiting a 3rd place in the 17 yrs and over section. In the Young Judges Stud Section U 17yrs BTC really shone with Scott Cerqui taking 1st place, Louise Black 2nd and Sally Carrington 3rd. In the Young Judges Beef Section U 17yrs Scott Cerqui backed up with a 1st place and Sally Carrington claimed a 3rd again. Excitement rose in the BTC camp when Scott Cerqui won the Champion Young Judge of the Charters Towers Show with Louise Black taking out the Reserve Champion. Well done to all students taking part in the cattle showing and a big thank you to Mrs Black and her family for all the support, time and donation of cattle to show.
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