After lunch the students then did some kayaking skills, which again was interesting!! Although the water was a little low the group and Mr Phillott, kayaked to the bridge.
Saturday night was an adventure in itself with torrential rain, thunder and lightning. The group learnt the hard way the importance of pegging out the fly, closing the window flaps and using the ropes that are attached to the tents.
Sunday saw the group head off to the Fletcher and the Dalrymple National Park for lunch and an exploration. Sunday night the group made camp fir pizzas that were pretty yummy. Each night they experimented with various ways to cook damper, brownies and biscuits as well as toasting marshmallows. The highlight of the night was finding a "children's python" snake crawling up the leg of Teah's chair.
Monday morning the group packed and and re-set an orienteering course to take the Melbourne visitors on. They also helped provide a BBQ lunch and toasted marshmallows.