Friday, March 25, 2011

Blackheath and Thornburgh College Primary Early Act Club

Blackheath and Thornburgh College Early Act Club

The tradition of service continues at Blackheath and Thornburgh College, with the charter of the Blackheath and Thornburgh EarlyAct Club scheduled for next Monday. The Club consists of students from year four to seven and will be a self governing entity with support from the Interact Club. Students in EarlyAct will plan and co ordinate events for the Junior School Community, to support events and charities. Early Act provides students with the opportunity to play an active role in their community and improve leadership and teamwork skills.

The inaugural Board includes President Georgia Mintram, Vice President Jim Burgess, Minutes Secretary Leah Ryle, Treasurer Amy Neville, Correspondence Secretary Jack McQueen and Junior Vice President, Jaxon Gallagher.