Friday, February 12, 2010

College Leaders Induction at BTC

With the dark clouds gathering and possibility of an afternoon storm, the Induction of the College leaders was moved into the Assembly Hall. After being greeted by College Principal ,Mr Brian Hewitt, and singing the hymns, the Senior Leaders were introduced by Mr Nairn-:
College Captains: Jarrah Aitchison and Zac Santo
Vice Captains & Junior School Liaison: Alison Jacka and Jake Peno
Captain of Cultural: Caitlin Bethel
Captain of Service: Katelyn Pilcher
Captain of Sport: Bridget Tully and Digby Doyle
Residential Captains: Meryn Dunn and Darcy Campbell
Captain of Vocal Music: Hayley Christensen
Captain of Instrumental Music: Nicola Slaney
Prefects: Carla Cairns, Emma Evert, Laura-Jane Gill, Sarita Goldsworthy, Dylan Jackson, Dudley Leggett, Virginia Lennox, Ellie Rea, Joshua Robins, Marc Soucelier, Daniel Tuiqali
Dormitory Seniors: David Batt, Makhaim Brandon, Robert Dawson, Aaron Jones, Andrew Nordling, Richard Pascoe
Day Seniors: Jose DeLuque, Christopher Hammer, Matthew Wallace
The Primary School leaders were announced by Mrs Black.
Primary School Captains: Casey Henry, Katherine Williams
Vice-Captains: Sport: Madison Smith and Daniel Simatis
Cultural: Jessica Blakey and Bailey Millett
Service: Lilyana Rayment
Primary Monitors:
Jessee Miller, Sean Bawden, Michaela Dunnet, Alexandria Smith, Jacob Thomson, Kimba Gill.
After the leaders had their respective badges pinned on and the pledging of the Leaders Oath, the Choir entertained the assembly before leaders and guests enjoyed afternoon tea on the verandah of Thornburgh House. Congratulations to all leaders at BTC for 2010.