Carols Night

Family and friends  recently gathered for a sausage sizzle and Carols Evening. The Primary School  entertained the crowd with their carols before Santa arrived with gifts for the younger students. The Sporting Houses had their own rendition of well known Carols with a few changed words to make it their "own' song.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

2013 95th Speech Day

In returning to tradition, Speech Day was held in the Blackthorn Hall. In keeping with tradition it was a nice warm day....but there was a breeze to keep the audience a little cooler. The National Anthem was sung as the Academic Procession entered the hall. After a welcome by the College Captains, Morgan Rockley and Harrison Phillott, the Junior School Captains, Ned Marshall and Emma Zischke, introduced the Chairman of the Board, Mr Chris Hesp. Mr Hesp praised the direction BTC was heading in under the guidance of Mr  Fairbairn and  briefly outlined  the future vision of the board. Mr Fairbairn reported on the many and varied successes of the BTC students over the past year.
Sean Tria amazed the crowd with his outstanding piano solo followed by the Senior Specialist Vocal Group, ably lead by vocal coach Ms Tammy Wilson. After a visual presentation of the Junior School- a Year in Review, the Awards and prizes were presented.
The audience sang the College Song, Blackheath Hymn and the Thornburgh College Hymn , with the Secondary School  slide show  showing the busy year the students had.
Outgoing College Captains, Morgan and Harrison, had there last duty as captains in presenting their speeches, before the 2014 College Leadership team was announced. Congratulations to:-

Blackheath Captain- Jaimeen Kenni
Thornburgh Captain-Fred Batt
Blackheath Vice Captain- Rachael Dahl
Thornburgh Vice Captain- Roy Fisher
Residential Captains- Nicole Forshaw, Roy Fisher
Residential Vice Captains- Melanie Jones, Tom Mc Queen
Performing Arts Captain- Sean Tria
Sports Captain- Darcy Ginns Larkin
Bacon House Captain- Rachael Dahl
Bryce Dickson House Captain- Demi Goldsworthy
Archie Black House Captain- Errol Miller
Senior Prefect- Lucy Campbell
Primary Captains Ned Marshall and Emma Zischke

Mr Chris Hesp  Chairman of the Board

Principal Mr Fairbairn

Sean Tria

Senior Vocalist Group

Cooper Bignell (Prep)

Brock Critchley (Prep)

Brooke Evans (Prep)

Grace Ferguson (Prep)

Amelia  Jamieson  (Prep)

Lilliebeth McDonald (Prep)

Larayne Morris (Prep)

Thomas Burt  Yr 1 Encouragement Award

Samuel McCartney Yr 1 Academic Award

Heather Smallwood Yr 2 Encouragement Award

Jared Stoll Yr 2 Academic Award

Sophie Bignell Yr 3 Encouragement Award

Lucy Innes Yr 3 Academic Award

Jade Stoll Yr 4 Encouragement Award

Erin Neville Yr 4 AcademicAward

Heath Treacy Yr 5 Encouragement Award

Hayden Gallagher Yr 5 Academic Award


Riley Casson Yr 6 Encouragement Award

Emma Zischke Yr 6 Academic Award

Connor Neville  Yr 7 Academic Award

Jack Donaldson Dux Year 7

Riley Casson Bob Katter Award

Jack Donaldson Religious Education Award

Harry McQueen George Seary Handwriting Award

Ronnie Critchley JCU Encouragement Award

Breeanna Eberle JCU Encouragement Award

Connor Neville JCU Encouragement Award.

Clint Rayment Yr 8 Encouragement Award

Chloe Bond Yr 9 Encouragement Award

Shaleece Johnstone Yr 9 Encouragement Award

Merial Kenni Yr 10 Encouragement Award

Sevese Morea Yr 10 Encouragement Award

Hayley Condon Yr 8 Proxime Accessit

Evie Batt Yr 8 Dux

Lachlan Wearing Yr 9 Proxime Accessitt

Jarrah Gough Yr 9 Dux

Madi Smith Yr 10 Proxime Accessit

Jemimah Phillott Yr 10 Dux

Jemimah Phillott Subject Award Art, English, History

Lachlan Wearing Subject Award Commerce and Legal, Science

Madalyn Weicks  Subject Award Geography, Japanese

Katie Williams Subject Award Drama

Madi Smith Subject Award Home Economics, Physical Education

Jarrah Gough Subject Award   Media

Amy Neville Subject Award Music

Teah Schaeffer Yr 8 George Seary Handwriting Award

Sarah Epong  Yr 9 George Seary  Handwriting

Brittany Lifu  JCU Encouragement Award

Jack Mellor JCU Encouragement Award

Katie Williams Charles and Beatrice Winter Bursary

 Jessica Blakey- Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award

Madi Smith- Thomas Collins Memorial Bursary

Sally Carrington-Subject Award Biology

Ashtyn Krause-Certificate 111 Sport and Recreation

Danny Rayment- Certificate 111 Sport and Recreation

Jemma Robinson-Certificate 111 Sport and Recreation

Seiarne Reid - Certificate 111 Sport and Recreation

Malcolm Pegler-  Norma Lawson Prize for Business Management & Organisation,
Subject Award Chemistry, Maths B, Manufacturing

Toby Paynter- Subject Award Drama

Thomas Wright- Subject Award Engineering

Harrison Phillott- The Landsberg English Prize, Subject Award Physical Education

Leanne Edwards Subject Award  English Communications, Hospitality

Sean Tria- Subject Award Film, TV and New Media, Physics

Roy Fisher- Subject Award Technology, Industrial Technological Studies

Lucy Campbell- Subject Award Japanese

Sally Palmer- Subject Award Legal Studies

Olivia Penna- Subject Award Modern History

Morgan Williams- Subject Award Science 21, Visual Art

Kaylin Laffey- Yr 11 Outstanding  Contribution to Vocational Ed and Training
Subject Award Health Studies

Morgan Rockley Yr 12 Outstanding Contribution to Vocational Ed and Training,
Certificate 111 Aged care, Subject Award Music

Fred Batt Yr 11 Encouragement Award

Lucy Campbell Yr 11 Encouragement Award

Nicole Forshaw- Yr 11 Encouragement Award

Sean Tria - Pat Lee Cultural Bursary

Morgan Rockley- Beaty Landsberg Memorial Prize, Judy Batt Memorial Prize

Sally Palmer Yr 12  JCU Encouragement Award

Hayley Whiting Yr 12 JCU Encouragement Award

 Fred Batt-Venables Family Encouragement Award

Jaimeen Kenni- Mann -Richards Prize for Citizenship

Seiarne Reid- Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award

Jaimeen Kenni- Margaret Beale Shield Outstanding Contribution to Performing Arts

Harrison Phillott  Bill Kennedy Prize Outstanding Achievement

Jaimeen Kenni - Blackheath Boarding Award

Errol Miller- Thornburgh Boarding Award

Morgan Rockley- Stan Collins Award College Captain

Harrison Phillott- Louis Spence Award College Captain

Toby Paynter Caltex Best All Rounder

Sean Tria Yr 11 Proxime Accessit

Jaimeen Kenni- Yr 11 Dux

Hayley Whiting Yr 12 Proxime Accessit

Morgan Williams-  Hal Taylor Award Dux of Senior School

Jaimeen Kenni 2014 Blackheath  Captain

Fred Batt 2014 Thornburgh Captain

Rachael Dahl 2014  Blackheath Vice Captain
Bacon House Captain

Roy Fisher 2014 Thornburgh Vice Captain
Captain Boys Boarding

Nicole Forshaw Captain Girls Boarding

Melanie Jones Vice Captain Girls  Boarding

Tom Mc Queen Vice Captain Boys Boarding

Lucy Campbell Prefect

Sean Tria Performing Arts Captain

Darcy Ginns Larkin Sports Captain

Errol Miller Archie Black Captain

Demi Goldsworthy Bryce Dickson Captain