Friday, September 23, 2011

Prep and Year One Cooking Skills

Prep and Year One students recently were masterchefs in the Home Ec cooking area. They made a shortbread recipe and then cut star shapes out to finish off their Space theme for the Term.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Talk Like a Pirate Day

BTC School students from Kindy to Year 5 celebrated Talk Like a  Pirate Day. The Pirate Captain for the day (aka Linley Cerqui) had lots of fun activities organised for the students. They could fish for treasure, catch crabs, make an eye patch, a pirate hat and a parrot to perch on their shoulders. There was a pirate ship colouring in activity and lots of games which also included an obstacle course where they could walk the plank. A fun day was had by all. RRRRRRR